
James Turrell / Baker Pool, Greenwich, CT

Bakerie Group Exhibition


In September, 2008, architect Walter Patick Smith curated a group exhibition in the barn he designed for the James Turrell pool for the Baker family in Greenwich, Connecticut.


In addition to James Turrell, participating artists included Nils Folke Anderson,
Robert Breer, Michael De Feo, Anakin Koenig, Meredith Pingree, Kai Vierstra,
Leo Villareal and Robert Whitman.


Michael's contributions to the exhibtion included his self portrait sculpture, Firecracker Face, as well as a series of self portrait paintings.

Upper level members of the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum and the Bruce Museum were invited to a special-access tour to view the James Turrell Baker Pool and the project space above where the group exhibition took place.

The barn above the James Turrell pool is a place for artistic experiments
for Bakerie artists to work together on their way to completing larger
commissioned works. The Bakerie was founded by Lisa and Richard Baker and
Walter Patrick Smith as a vehicle for providing in-depth support to artists
whom it sponsors to produce and present some of their most ambitious work.


Installation Views