
Cereal Isle

Opening Reception: Saturday, May 4, 5 - 7pm

May 4 - June 9, 2024


MARQUEE PROJECTS is thrilled to present Cereal Isle, a group exhibition featuring the artworks of Hannah Antalek, JoAnne Carson, Paul Cooley, Michael De Feo, Andy Harris, Dana James, Gavin Lynch, Katheryn Lynch, Lizbeth Mitty, Lauren Ruiz, Lauren Skelly Bailey, Johannes VanDerBeek and Taylor White. All the artists reference aspects of nature and the landscape in their works. The exhibition is free and open to the public.


Magic Puffs. Lucky Charms. Comet Balls. Buzz Blasts.

When/why did the names of breakfast foods begin to break bad and sound like synthetic illicit street substances? Are these fake-foods part and parcel of the deep- fake, fake-news, fake-fur 2020s? What has happened to reverence, or even respect, for Ceres (from whom we derive the word cereal) and her sisterhood of forgotten earth- mother goddesses? Our current existential conditions and emergencies find deep roots in a millennia-long abnegation of their sustaining nourishment.


The artists curated into Marquee Projects’ latest exhibit respond to these issues with ramped-up approaches to traditional landscape painting and sculpture, considering myriad cereal/serial/surreal notions that clamor for attention down the collective miles of aisles (and isles) that crowd the virtual superstore of our techno-bombarded moment. These artists cultivate imagined environments and implausible agricultures, germinating the seeds of their fertile inspirations into a harvest of work that provokes and delights. Edibles, indeed.


Cereal Isle

Opening Reception: Saturday, May 4, 5 - 7pm

May 4 - June 9, 2024



14 Bellport Lane

Bellport, NY


To enquiry about avilable work please email info@marqueeprojects.org

or call (631) 803-2511



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