LongHouse Reserve, East Hampton, NY

Midsummer Dream, 2023 Benefit

To benefit LongHouse Reserve in East Hampton, NY, Michael has donated a new oil painting on canvas to be auctioned during their annual summer fundraiser.


Bid on Michael's painting and other works now on Artsy.


LongHouse celebrates its 32nd year in their glorious garden under the stars at their annual Summer Benefit, MidSummer Dream on July 22, 2023. Please join Dianne Benson, Cindy Sherman, Edwina von Gal, Robert Wilson, and the Board of Trustees in honoring the lifelong artistic achievement of Mary Heilmann and the literary genius of A. M. Homes.


Midsummer Dream

July 22, 2023


Garden Party: 6:00pm
Dinner: 8:00pm
Dancing: 9:30pm


For complete event details and to purchase tickets, please visit www.longhouse.org

 Bid on Michael's painting and other works now on Artsy.


LongHouse Reserve

133 Hands Creek Road, East Hampton, NY 11937

+1 (631) 329-3568



Contributing artists:

Laurie Anderson

Bjorn Amelan

Cyril Christo and Marie Wilkinson

Peter Dayton

Dawn DeDeaux

Michael De Feo

Sally Egbert

Maryam Eisler

Audrey Flack

Connie Fox

Joe Gaffney

Peter Hujar

Anton Perich

Fitzhugh Karol

Mel Kendrick

Mr. StarCity

Laurie Lambrecht

Jeff Muhs

Randy Polumbo

Marcia Resnick

Ugo Rondinone

Cindy Sherman

Arlene Slavin

Kiki Smith

Clintel Steed

Suzannah Wainhouse

Mark Wilson

Robert Wilson


For complete event details and to purchase tickets, please visit www.longhouse.org

 Bid on Michael's painting and other works now on Artsy.




You and I under the last light of day.


Acrylic, oil, and oil stick on canvas.

48 x 40 in (121.9 x 101.6 cm)

July 22, 2023
of 36